I studied Bioinformatics in Munich and finalized my doctoral thesis on “Expression Analysis and Network Inference by Means of Correlation Patterns” in late 2017. For more details, have a look at my Research Gate Profile or find me on LinkedIn.
I like analyzing data and coding in general. On this site, I provide assorted tools that you may find useful or that have proven useful to me at some point in time. All of them are GPL3, so feel free to use and redistribute them. If you do so, I’d be happy if you let me know.
I have been playing the violin for quite some time (some 30 years) and also like to compose music or improvise along with our choir Chorbinian. Non-recent electronic music is available on this site.
I like drawing and painting, a small (german) children’s book that I made for my children can be found here.
I hope you enjoy this this site, feel free to drop a line in my mailbox or contact me if you have questions or maybe like to suggest a project.
Cheers, Tobias